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Hi there! I'm Anjali Bhati!

I am a User Experience Research and Design Graduate Student at Purdue University. 

As a designer with 6+ years of experience I focus on crafting seamless and engaging user experiences that resonate with the target audience. My process is collaborative and data-driven, ensuring that every project is tailored to specific user and business needs. 


A Self-care app designed specifically for homemakers, offering support and resources to enhance their emotional well-being.

Interaction design | User Research | UI Design | UX Design

Designing a user-centric rating system for an improved experience for both passengers and drivers. 

Re-design | UI Design | UX Design

An immersive VR environment designed for college students to navigate the complexities of personal finance.

VR Environment | Metaverse | UI Design

Understanding the needs of contemporary grocery shoppers and designing a solution that enhances their shopping experience as well as maximizes positive and empowering embodied interaction.

UX Design | Interaction Design

Ongoing Projects

Website of Political Deepfakes database 

Website design - UX Designer at GRAIL
This website provides a comprehensive collection of 'Political Deepfakes Incidents Database (PDID),' which aims to reveal the prevalence, trends, and impact of political deepfakes. 

Ipsos Isay website re-design

Industry sponsored project
This project focuses on creating a better experience for both Ipsos iSay and the survey respondents to enhance the current survey experience, develop a plan to expand to other services and improve the usability of the current site.

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