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Hi there! I'm Anjali Bhati!
Product designer focused on crafting engaging user experiences using data-driven insights
A Wellness App designed for Indian homemakers with focus on incorporating rest into their daily lives.
Interaction design | User Research | UX Design
Enhanced rating systems for drivers, and personalized experience for the riders.
Re-design | UX Design
An immersive VR environment designed for college students to navigate the complexities of personal finance.
VR Environment | Metaverse | UI Design
Product recommendations for in-store shoppers through an interactive kiosk.
Interaction Design | Customer Experience
Enhanced the usability of current site, and the experience for survey respondents.
Re-design | Usability Testing | Heuristic Evaluation
Ongoing Projects
Website of Political Deepfakes database
Website design
This website presents a comprehensive collection of 'Political Deepfakes Incidents Database (PDID),' which aims to reveal the prevalence, trends, and impact of political deepfakes.
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