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I'm Anjali, a UX designer and researcher with a unique background in Interior Design. Initially, I had plans to pursue engineering after high school. However, upon discovering Architecture and Design courses, I found them fascinating as I was always drawn towards art and design. Interior Design felt like a natural fit, where I discovered an aptitude for design. In my role as an Interior Designer, my focus was on creating spaces that not only aligned with user preferences but also enhanced their daily lives. 


During the pandemic, I ventured into digital design through graphics and digital artworks, which subsequently sparked my interest in UX Design. And that led me to pursue my master's in UX Design at Purdue University. Here, I've delved into topics such as accessibility (an ongoing learning journey!), and the importance of comprehending user needs along with business goals. The transition from physical space to digital spaces has been remarkably smooth for me. 


Presently, I am working as a UX Designer at GRAIL (Governance and Responsible AI Lab) at Purdue University and a student researcher at Co-Liberation lab by Dr. Rua Williams.

Beyond UX design, I love creating digital abstract Lineart visuals and wall murals. Seeing my artworks come to life, whether on a canvas or a wall, fills me with immense joy and fuels my passion. Lately, I've delved into reading after ages and am currently exploring 'Data Feminism' and 'Design Justice,' which resonates with my desire to understand the intersection of technology and social justice. This not only helps me in broadening my perspective and but also informs my design approach. It has also sparked my curiosity about data, leading me to learn data analytics, R programming, and Python.
Please check out Playground to see my other works. 


Find my resume here. And I'm happy to connect at

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